Lowongan Kerja Pabrik PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) Karawang

Website PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM)
Merekrut.com | PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) merupakan salah satu perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur otomotif yang merakit kendaraan roda empat (mobil) dengan merk Honda.
PT Honda Prospect Motor mendirikan pabrik di area Karawang untuk factory I dan Head Office yang berlokasi di Sunter, Jakarta. PT HPM telah banyak memproduksi dan mendistribusikan mobile merk Honda diantaranya Honda City, Honda Brio dan type yang lain.
IT Staff
Manage the operations of IT systems to ensure the systems run effectively, involved in the installation, repair, and servicing of computers and equipment, develop, and integrate the IT systems to meet the needs of company businesses.
Diploma, Bachelor of Informatics Engineering, Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Informatics Management
Placement at Sunter, North Jakarta and Karawang, West Java
Frame Production Staff
Ensure the production process run on target, analyze, and make continuous improvements in the working system, oversee 5S and OHS implementation in the production line according to safety regulations, manage human resources in the frame production area.
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Work under shifting hours
Placement in Karawang, West Java
Purchasing Quality Staff
Coordinate with suppliers for local parts development to ensure the specifications and quality are in line with Honda standards and ensure parts delivery runs as scheduled.
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering
Placement in Karawang, West Java
As a staff, your role is to be a system analyst to improve work processes, manage working time and resources effectively, identify potential problems and find solutions, and improve self-competence.
Here are the general qualifications:
Minimum GPA of 3.0 (scale 4.0)
Attention to detail
Able to work under pressure and target-oriented
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Strong analytical thinking
Have an interest in the automotive field (automobile)
Discipline, firm and have a strong leadership
Proficient in English (both oral & written)
Independent and ready to work in manufacturing industry
Must have valid TOEFL certification with a minimum score of 400
Proficient in Ms. Office
COVID-19 vaccine certificate (dose 1-3)
Certificate of Good Conduct: Indonesian Police Certificates (SKCK)
1. Dipersilahkan untuk para pencaker jika berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan kerja diatas, anda dapat kirimkan berkas dan CV lamaran yang terbaru melalui via website dengan cara klik tulisan APPLY FOR JOB yang ada di paling bawah artikel ini.
2. Informasi lowongan kerja ini sewaktu-waktu dapat ditutup jika kuota sudah terpenuhi
3. Harap dibaca dengan baik dan benar secara teliti agar tidak terjadi kesalahan saat mengirim lamaran
4. Jangan lupa Ikuti & Follow IG Kami : https://www.instagram.com/merekrut_com/
5. Seluruh proses rekrutmen dan seleksi pelamar baru tidak dipungut biaya apapun atau GRATISS !!!
To apply for this job please visit www.hpm.co.id.