Lowongan Kerja Karawang Via Web PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM)

PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM)
Merekrut.com | PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) merupakan ATPM (Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk) dari merek dagang Honda yang memiliki hak untuk mengimpor, merakit dan memproduksi kendaraan dengan menggunakan merk Honda di Indonesia. HPM memiliki kantor pusat yang terletak di Jakarta Utara, sedangkan pabriknya terletak di Karawang, Jawa Barat. Produk-produknya yang ada di pasaran diantaranya Honda Jazz, Honda CR-V, Honda Civic, Honda Brio, Honda Accord, Honda City dan juga Honda Odyssey. Saat ini, HPM memiliki sekitar 85 dealer yang tersebar di Nusantara. Lalu, pada tahun 2014, HPM mulai mengoperasikan pabrik keduanya sekaligus meluncurkan lini baru produknya yakni Honda Mobilio. Perusahaan ini terus berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar di bidang otomotif di Indonesia.
As a staff, your role is to be a system analyst to improve work processes, manage working time and resources effectively, identify potential problems and find solutions, and improve self-competence.
General Qualifications:
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (scale 4.0)
Independent and ready to work in automotive manufacturing industry
Strong analytical thinking
Attention to detail
Discipline, firm and have a strong leadership
Able to work under pressure and target-oriented
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Have knowledge and interest in the automotive field (automobile)
Proficient in Ms. Office, especially Ms. Excel
Proficient in English (both oral & written)
Have a TOEIC/TOEFL Certification with minimum score 550 for TOEIC or 493 for TOEFL
COVID-19 vaccine certificate (dose 1-4)
Certificate of Good Conduct: Indonesian Police Certificates (SKCK)
Posisi Lowongan :
1. Corporate Event Staff
Creating concept marketing activities (BTL), execute budget calculation of corporate or product event, coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating Agency/EO regarding the progress and result of the event.
Specific Requirement:
- Major: Bachelor of Communication or Marketing Communication
Able to perform data processing & analysis using Microsoft Office
Have good presentation skill
Have experience in event organization
Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta
2. Engineering Staff
Estimate the material usage and the cost calculation to making mechanical tools needed by any department in company to support their working activities, ensure its production process, and evaluation the result and implementation.
Specific Requirement:
- Major: Bachelor of Communication or Marketing Communication
Able to perform data processing & analysis using Microsoft Office
Have good presentation skill
Have experience in event organization
Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta
3. IT Support, Programmer Staff
Manage the operations of IT systems to ensure the systems run effectively. Install, repair, and servicing of hardware and software computers. Develop and integrate IT systems and programs to support company activities.
Specific Requirement:
- Major: Diploma of Informatics Engineering, Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Informatics Management
Have high customer orientation competency
Work under shifting hours
Placement in Karawang, West Java or Sunter, North Jakarta
Willing to be contract for one year
4. Marketing Data Analyst Staff
Coordinate with the main dealer regarding price list and marketing activities, manage administrative data also as a person in charge in department QEHS system.
Specific Requirement:
- Major: Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management
Able to perform data processing & analysis using Microsoft Office
Have good negotiating skill
Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta
5. OHS Staff
Implement an industrial hygiene and safety system following regulations and other requirements by monitoring the work environment, equipment, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to avoid occupational diseases and accidents in the workplace.
Specific Requirement:
- Major: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Occupational Health and Safety
Have an Occupational Health and Safety Certification (Ahli K3 Umum)
Understand ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 12100
Work under shifting hours
Placement in Karawang, West Java
6. Sales Operation Staff
Control the dealer’s sales operations by analyzing the dealer’s sales achievements and determining strategies to achieve sales targets.
- Major: Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Management, and Business
Able to drive a car and have a car driving license
Willing to travel for business trip
Have good negotiating skill
Able to perform data processing & analysis using Microsoft Office
Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta
7. Operator – Pengemudi Mobil
Bertugas dalam pengecekan, pemindahan, dan inspeksi unit mobil dengan cara mengendarai mobil manual/otomatis setelah proses produksi sesuai dengan SOP (Standar Operasional Prosedur).
- Pria
Pendidikan SMK/SMA sederajat
Mampu mengemudikan mobil dan memiliki SIM A
Usia 18-23 tahun
Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm; berat badan ideal
Tidak memiliki gangguan pengelihatan
Nilai rata-rata rapor 7
Sudah vaksin Booster Covid ke-2
Persyaratan Berkas (Operator – Pengemudi Mobil):
- Scan Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Scan foto 4×6
Scan E-KTP
Scan Ijazah/SKL
Scan Transkrip Nilai
Scan SIM A
Sertifikat vaksin lengkap hingga booster ke-2
1. Dipersilahkan untuk para pencaker jika berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan lowongan kerja diatas, anda dapat kirimkan berkas dan CV lamaran yang terbaru dengan cara klik tulisan APPLY FOR JOB yang ada di paling bawah artikel ini.
2. Informasi lowongan kerja ini sewaktu-waktu dapat ditutup jika kuota sudah terpenuhi
3. Harap dibaca dengan baik dan benar secara teliti agar tidak terjadi kesalahan saat mengirim lamaran
4. Seluruh proses rekrutmen dan seleksi pelamar baru tidak dipungut biaya apapun atau GRATISS !!!
To apply for this job please visit www.hpm.co.id.