Lowongan Kerja di PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) Karawang

Website PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM)

Merekrut.com | PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) merupakan ATPM (Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merk) dari merek dagang Honda yang memiliki hak untuk mengimpor, merakit dan memproduksi kendaraan dengan menggunakan merk Honda di Indonesia. HPM memiliki kantor pusat yang terletak di Jakarta Utara, sedangkan pabriknya terletak di Karawang, Jawa Barat. Produk-produknya yang ada di pasaran diantaranya Honda Jazz, Honda CR-V, Honda Civic, Honda Brio, Honda Accord, Honda City dan juga Honda Odyssey. Saat ini, HPM memiliki sekitar 85 dealer yang tersebar di Nusantara. Lalu, pada tahun 2014, HPM mulai mengoperasikan pabrik keduanya sekaligus meluncurkan lini baru produknya yakni Honda Mobilio. Perusahaan ini terus berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar di bidang otomotif di Indonesia.

Business Continuity Management Staff

Design and implement company risk management activities and programs based on applicable ISO and company management policies


Bachelor of Management, concentration in Risk Management
Having a Risk Management Certification
Willing to be placed at Karawang, West Java

Occupational Health & Safety Staff

Implementing an industrial hygiene system following regulations and other requirements by monitoring the work environment, the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the workplace and implementing a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) to avoid occupational diseases.


Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Public Health concentration in Occupational Health and Safety
Having Occupational Health & Safety Certification
Willing to be placed at Karawang, West Java

Factory Strategy Planning Staff

Prepare production plans based on market demand and coordinate with relevant departments to ensure production plans run according to targets, monitor budgets and investments in the production area for the short and long-term plans.


Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Working under shifting hours

Purchasing Strategy Staff

Coordinate relevant departments and local suppliers for new model development, check, analyze and make improvements related to quality problems, ensure the quality consistency of local suppliers during mass production according to standards so that new model events run on schedule.


Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering

Product Planner

Make plans and coordinate with related departments to ensure the product development process runs according to the predetermined targets.


Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Management, Business

Export-Import Staff

Perform checks and controls the amount of import duty related to imported goods/spare parts using the KITE (Kemudahan Impor Tujuan Ekspor) facility and administrative process following the regulations as well as prepare the documents to support audit activities.


Bachelor of Logistic, Supply Chain Management, Industrial Engineering
Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta

Accounting Staff

Maintain financial records and reports between budget and actual as well as prepare data to support audit activities.


Bachelor of Accounting
Familiar with SAP
Placement in Sunter, North Jakarta

Here are the general qualifications:

Minimum GPA of 3.0 (scale 4.0)
Attention to detail
Able to work under pressure and target-oriented
Good interpersonal and communication skills
Strong analytical thinking
Have an interest in the automotive field (automobile)
Discipline, firm and have a strong leadership
Proficient in English (both oral & written)
Independent and ready to work in manufacturing industry
Must have valid TOEFL certification with a minimum score of 400
Proficient in Ms. Office
COVID-19 vaccine certificate (dose 1-3)
Certificate of Good Conduct: Indonesian Police Certificates (SKCK)

As a staff, your role is to be a system analyst to improve work processes, manage working time and resources effectively, identify potential problems and find solutions, and improve self-competence.

Each candidate can only apply once. We will process your application based on your suitability for our qualifications.


Jika anda sudah membaca artikel lowongan kerja diatas dengan baik dan apabila tertarik serta merasa memenuhi kualifikasi yang di butuhkan, segera kirimkan data lamaran anda yang terbaru yaitu melalui via website dengan cara “klik tulisan APPLY FOR JOB dibawah ini”.

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*PERHATIAN !!! Seluruh proses rekrutmen & seleksi calon karyawan tidak dipungut apapun.

To apply for this job please visit www.hpm.co.id.